Security Solutions

Coronavirus / Covid-19

Following on from The Governments latest press conference and clarification on what steps we are to take, Security Solutions UK Ltd would like to let its customers know we will be doing everything we can to keep our supply chain working over the challenging next few months.
We will be complying with all Government suggestions and regulations and as such have today decided to take the following sensible actions and precautions. The safety of our staff and customers is paramount and we are sure we will beat this Covid-19 virus if we all do our bit:
1] We will not be able to have face to face meetings at our Head Office or on site, all the team will be available via, phone, email and video where possible.
2] Sales will continue as usual, however we will be prioritising our clients in frontline healthcare for obvious reasons.
3] We will continue with our UK manufacturing and working with our delivery partners to ensure that all orders are delivered within our normal timescales, but in rare cases there may be a slight delay due to unforeseen issues.
The decisions we have taken are to support the UK and global response and in respect of the measures detailed by The Central European and British Governments. #StrongerTogether completely describes how we all feel and we will do what we can to support everyone in our industry sector to get through these exceptional times. #StaySafe
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